I was so excited to meet up with people I met last year, meet new artists, and of course take the WORKSHOPS!! I had decided to take two workshops (Spinner Rings and Torch-Fired Enamel Ring) with Richard Salley and his assistant, Jessica Papke, and one workshop (Thin Gauge Sheet Metal) with Stacie Florer.
Pictured clockwise from upper left: Jessica Papke and Richard Salley, sterling silver spinner ring, my torch-fired pendant, copper with nickel silver spinner ring and brass spinner ring, collection of torch-fired class' work (see how all but mine are rings?), and Oops!. That last picture would be my ring blank that got some extra love from my torch. Plan B = Pendant!
In the picture above are some of the items I made in the thin gauge sheet metal workshop (eventually will be earrings) and on the right is the one-and-only Stacie Florer demonstrating a technique for forming the metal.
Friday night everyone attended the meet and greet and were also able to shop the instructors' works of art. Oh! I can't forget that Cindy Wimmer also had a table where she was selling and signing her first published book, The Missing Link. A great book with stunning photography and fun techniques!
Saturday night was a great time as well as Cindy and Jeanette surprised us by supplying pizza and salad while we shopped our fellow students handmade jewelry components! Got some great items from Jenny Davies-Reazor (who cracks me up!), Diana Ptaszynski (who is also very funny) and others. I can't wait to incorporate these into my own creations.
Now I just have to put all I learned to good use! I'm already looking forward to artBLISS 2014, whatever it may have in store...